I have been so busy this week, in the mix of work, going to see the recruiter, getting my paper work ready for MEPS and trying work out and study for the test along with all the house duties, it just never stops!!! This week I have worked extra hard to try to loose the weight that I need to make the requirement but it just seems to not happen, I have tried everything, but nothing seems to work and I am starting to get discouraged and stressed about it. I have my dream at the tips of my fingers and I am about to lose it again because of something so dumb as it is to lose weight. It's actually very annoying. I don't think it helps that I am stressing about the ASVAB. I get really nervous when it comes to taking a test, add the fact that is times and OMG I am screwed my brain completely goes blank! I am worried that I won't pass it! :(
As it gets closer to the test and MEPS, it means its getting closer for Tjs training and his deployment will be right around the corner. I am starting to freak out a little. Wanting to spend as much time as possible with him before he goes, but it always seems impossible because of my work, and all the things that he has to do for his deployment. It never stops!
Last week or the week before he got his small pox shot. It requires a lot of taking care of. AND cant I just said that it's very annoying?!?! I can't touch his arm at all, and if I do it by accident even if it had double protection, I have to wash my hands. Now when we are sleeping, he refuses to switch sides so the arm it's on its in the middle and its very easy for me to accidentally bump into it, making sleep a bit harder. Which anyways sleep its been getting harder and harder, I find myself going to bed at 8 or 8:30 and waking up at 3 or 4 if not many many times during the night. I wake up very tired still working all day on my feet and doing all that I do it doesn't help. It seems like I just don't have energy for anything anymore! :( ugh.
Besides all this that is going on, life is good I can't expect for things to happens always the way I want them. There always has to be a bump in the road. I know God will help me get through this, and accomplish everything. :)
Life has taken me through many changes, but the biggest one was when I became a military wife. This is my everyday life as a military wife! :)
Our Family

Thursday, February 21, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Is it just me?....
It's been a great day!! :) Tj and I decided what we wanted to go, and visit his mom and dad in Charlottesville! It's been such a great time, we love coming up here because the views are so pretty and not to mention we love spending time with them :) Unfortunately we have to go back home to tomorrow, as TJ has training on Tuesday and I have work... Such a bummer sometimes I wish we didn't have to work and we could just spend time with family.
On that note is time for me to go bed, it's been a long day!!!!! But I found this so I thought I share! :)
Something that I have learned about being in a military wife, is that your action can affect your husband. I have seen it happen. I rather many times keep my mouth shut, than to say or do something that can affect my hubby, and maybe even put him in harms way. I LOVE social networks, I think it's a great way to keep in contact with people, and to meet friends. Thanks to social networking I have made many, life long friends. However you have to know how to handle social networking. I support and I will stand behind every single one of my MILSO I don't care what branch you are from, we are all in the same situation serving the same country. What I do not stand behind is ignorance, immaturity, and stupidity.
Is it just me or one of the biggest things I hate is when I go on Instagram or Facebook and see a post of a fellow MILSO complaining about the situation she/he is in. Saying such things as "My husband/wife is doing this so that all of you can have your freedom" I'm sorry that you had to miss a birthday, St Patricks day, Valentines Day, etc but those are things that come with being a MILSO and we knew that the moment they signed that contract (I know it's the last thing we want to hear is "you knew what you were getting yourself into but sometimes we need to hear it) his carrier, his life and time would be dedicated to the military whether we like it or not. Making our civilians friends feel bad about it, it's not going to change anything! What I can tell you is that there are other wives that have had it much more worse than missing a holiday. What about those that have giving birth while their husbands are over seas? or the ones that have been alone all their pregnancies? NO ONE should have to miss the birth of their own child, but yet you don't hear them complaining about it...they stay strong and know that their husbands are doing what is best for them. Those are the type of MILSOs that I respect, specially the ones that stay home with the kids while their hubbies are away.
Another thing I really hate is when people are ignorant, and rude over social networking. I understand that we have the right of speech, but come on that does not mean that we have to go out and disrespect, or offend other people. We are all have the right to our opinion but sometimes is best to not say anything or put it in a way where, someone is not going to get offended. We play a big role in our husbands life, and like I said before we represent them when they are not with us, and the things we say, post or do can and WILL affect your husband. Like may of my friends say "Once you join the military you don't have full rights" Posting something offensive about someone, a race or anything is rude and wrong. Imagine going to your husbands supervisor or chief and saying something that might of offend them... I don't know about anyone but that is something that I would regret very fast. So why in the world are some MILSOs going on social networks posting things that can offend people??!?!?!?!? what if your husbands higher up see it? Please explain to me how you would handle that? Please just keep your opinion to your self you don't know who is offending.
Yes we are military wives and things aren't always easy for us, but we are also not the center of the world! The world does not revolve around us. There is no reason why we need to make civilians feel like they should feel sorry for us because our husbands are fighting for our freedom.
It's very annoying to see post of wives complaining, trying to make people feel sorry for them, posting stupid stuff (pictures of alcohol when you are clearly underage) posting your whole personal life it's annoying, and not to mention it makes us all look bad! SPECIALLY if you get down to the level of arguing and fighting over social networking!!! and if you ask me that is immature and naive!!
As a milso lets please keep in mind the things we do or post, and how we act because we don't know who is watching, or reading, who it might hurt or even offend or who's life we can be putting in danger for posting the wrong thing! COME ON LADIES we are classier than this!!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013
Ay Dios mio!!!!!!!! 0_o
So it's been a busy past couple of days, with Valentines day and going back to work. I must say I have the most amazing husband in the world. He got beautiful white roses, an amazing card, and an iPad! :) He had a whole perfect night planned our for us. Unfortunately he received last minute orders, saying he needed to go and do night shooting along with other Airman, so we had to cancel our plans. Some of the perks of being a Military family, you never know when duty calls. It was okay though I understood, we can always make it up...When in the military we have to understand, what they say goes even if it means canceling your plans. He came home so upset, I needed to sit him down and talk to him and let him know that I was not mad at all, some times things happened and it is what it is. Not to mention I would rather him get this training done and know what he is doing, then not do it, and something happen while he is deploy and him and his flight not be ready. It's better to miss one valentine's day together, then many more because God forbid something happened to him.
While he was working all day I was looking at Pinterest (I am like addicted to it (: ) and I came across this picture of a military couple and the description said pre deployment pictures OpLove. I by accident clicked on it and it was this non profit organization that, get professional photographers, and they volunteer to take pre deployment pictures, and homecoming pictures of families with deploying members in the military. I fell in love with the idea and signed up for it, now TJ and I are having our pre deployment pictures taken here soon, I'm super excited!!.
Yesterday Keirstin and I went out for dinner to a girls night!! and it was great we talked about everything lol after dinner we went into the store called Ten thousand Villages and we fell in love!!!!! We wanted to buy everything lol, we decided that we were going to go back once we move, so that we can buy decoration stuff for the apartment. After that, we went to Target because I needed to pick up some things for Tj since he just got his small pox shot, and we ended up going pillow crazy and we bought 2 pillows each!!! :D
Yesterday was a every interesting day, sometimes in life you have to postpone things because others happen, with being a military wife that is a constant things happening. In you life your husband, his carrier and the military have to come before you, and that is a fact. I want to get started with my life and start to follow my dreams, but it seems that every time it's about to happen something happens where it can't happen! Every since I was in school I said I was going to go into the Air Force and I was going to become an officer. For one reason or the other I was not able to do it when I got out of High School, Tj decided he wanted to join so I was not able to continue because it would have been too hard since we were just engaged and not being married we could have been a bad idea. I decided to let him go and follow his dream and I can always come back to it. Unfortunately we were station in VA and there is not a single college that has my degree so I was disappointed, I looked into everything. So I talked to TJ and together we made the decision that I should go Air National Guard. Is still the Air Force but I would belong to the State of Virginia I would be based here in Langley, and I would only be doing one weekend a month and 2 weeks out of the year. It worked perfect!! because I would get my school paid for, I would be following my dream to be in the Air Force and I would not have to worry about not being based with the hubby. Once I got my degree he would already have his and both of us could enlist as officers. We were super excited!! we knew that a few months apart would be better than several. I started to go through the process and two weeks later we found out he was deploying....As many of you wives know the enlisting process is a long one and it can take several months before I would be going to basic. Doing some math with my recruiter we can to the conclusion that I would be going to basic while Tj is deployed, or when he is getting back... I didn't know what I wanted should I just wait it out and once again put my dreams on hold so that TJ can do what he needs to do, and I can be here for him when he get back to deployment? I just didn't know what I wanted it was such a hard decision to make and of course I wanted to talk to him and he said " Follow your dreams baby, don't stop because of me because you know I will always be here" that didn't really help. I was happy because the recruiter said that it would take 3 weeks before I heard back from MEPS saying I was medically pre qualified, I thought I had time to think it all over and make sure that this was okay! AND yesterday I got the text message " Hey, you are approved" I was scared frustrated I didn't know how to respond! I didn't know what to do go and start my dreams, or stay back and not do it? They don't have the job I want available anyway....I talked to TJ and when I explained to him my feelings I can see the disappointment is his eyes, because he wants me to follow my dreams and not stop because of him. That more then anything hurt me!! After giving it a log thought, we decided that I was going to do it. My MEPS day is now March 4 while he is away in training, I would be taking my ASVAB and doing my Physical on the same day there is no turning back after that....
You know, we can never plan things in life to go the way you want them to go, as much as I want to be the perfect house wife, and be here for my husband and all, sometimes is just not possible. With being married you now have to think about the two of you and make the decisions together and what is best for both of us. With the military you never know how things are going to happen, but all you can do is always be prepared for the worse, and know that at any giving time or moment anything can happen. It will be hard if things turn out where I leave when he is coming back or as he is getting ready to come back, but it will be worth in the long run. Sometimes we have to look at the big picture and with both of us having a steady paycheck it would be better feature guaranteed when we decide to start a family... I rather take the risk, and find out what is in store for me than to always wonder what if? or saying I should have...
While he was working all day I was looking at Pinterest (I am like addicted to it (: ) and I came across this picture of a military couple and the description said pre deployment pictures OpLove. I by accident clicked on it and it was this non profit organization that, get professional photographers, and they volunteer to take pre deployment pictures, and homecoming pictures of families with deploying members in the military. I fell in love with the idea and signed up for it, now TJ and I are having our pre deployment pictures taken here soon, I'm super excited!!.
Yesterday Keirstin and I went out for dinner to a girls night!! and it was great we talked about everything lol after dinner we went into the store called Ten thousand Villages and we fell in love!!!!! We wanted to buy everything lol, we decided that we were going to go back once we move, so that we can buy decoration stuff for the apartment. After that, we went to Target because I needed to pick up some things for Tj since he just got his small pox shot, and we ended up going pillow crazy and we bought 2 pillows each!!! :D
Yesterday was a every interesting day, sometimes in life you have to postpone things because others happen, with being a military wife that is a constant things happening. In you life your husband, his carrier and the military have to come before you, and that is a fact. I want to get started with my life and start to follow my dreams, but it seems that every time it's about to happen something happens where it can't happen! Every since I was in school I said I was going to go into the Air Force and I was going to become an officer. For one reason or the other I was not able to do it when I got out of High School, Tj decided he wanted to join so I was not able to continue because it would have been too hard since we were just engaged and not being married we could have been a bad idea. I decided to let him go and follow his dream and I can always come back to it. Unfortunately we were station in VA and there is not a single college that has my degree so I was disappointed, I looked into everything. So I talked to TJ and together we made the decision that I should go Air National Guard. Is still the Air Force but I would belong to the State of Virginia I would be based here in Langley, and I would only be doing one weekend a month and 2 weeks out of the year. It worked perfect!! because I would get my school paid for, I would be following my dream to be in the Air Force and I would not have to worry about not being based with the hubby. Once I got my degree he would already have his and both of us could enlist as officers. We were super excited!! we knew that a few months apart would be better than several. I started to go through the process and two weeks later we found out he was deploying....As many of you wives know the enlisting process is a long one and it can take several months before I would be going to basic. Doing some math with my recruiter we can to the conclusion that I would be going to basic while Tj is deployed, or when he is getting back... I didn't know what I wanted should I just wait it out and once again put my dreams on hold so that TJ can do what he needs to do, and I can be here for him when he get back to deployment? I just didn't know what I wanted it was such a hard decision to make and of course I wanted to talk to him and he said " Follow your dreams baby, don't stop because of me because you know I will always be here" that didn't really help. I was happy because the recruiter said that it would take 3 weeks before I heard back from MEPS saying I was medically pre qualified, I thought I had time to think it all over and make sure that this was okay! AND yesterday I got the text message " Hey, you are approved" I was scared frustrated I didn't know how to respond! I didn't know what to do go and start my dreams, or stay back and not do it? They don't have the job I want available anyway....I talked to TJ and when I explained to him my feelings I can see the disappointment is his eyes, because he wants me to follow my dreams and not stop because of him. That more then anything hurt me!! After giving it a log thought, we decided that I was going to do it. My MEPS day is now March 4 while he is away in training, I would be taking my ASVAB and doing my Physical on the same day there is no turning back after that....
You know, we can never plan things in life to go the way you want them to go, as much as I want to be the perfect house wife, and be here for my husband and all, sometimes is just not possible. With being married you now have to think about the two of you and make the decisions together and what is best for both of us. With the military you never know how things are going to happen, but all you can do is always be prepared for the worse, and know that at any giving time or moment anything can happen. It will be hard if things turn out where I leave when he is coming back or as he is getting ready to come back, but it will be worth in the long run. Sometimes we have to look at the big picture and with both of us having a steady paycheck it would be better feature guaranteed when we decide to start a family... I rather take the risk, and find out what is in store for me than to always wonder what if? or saying I should have...
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Valentine's day!
AHHHH love is in the air!!! :) So the hubby said that we have plans for today! but he would not tell me what we are doing. :( This is our first Valentine's day together as a married couple :) and because he is deploying soon I wanted to make it super super extra special!! I decided that I was going to cook him a fancy 3 course meal! :)
The menu:
Appetizer- Bruschetta on top of toasted french bread!
Main meal- Sirloin Steak with balsamic glaze on top of a bed of rice, with carrots :)
His favorite drink- Shirley Temple
Dessert: I baked chocolate cupcakes filled with Peanut Butter and others with Nutella! (his favorite too)
It was a super easy meal to make :) I made it all myself and he enjoyed it soooo much I have never seen him enjoy a meal so much!! It really made my day. After dinner we sat and watched some TV, because he had a long day he fell asleep on my shoulder, I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Now a days I don't take anything he does for granted, not being ale to see him for so long is going to SUCK!!! So I appreciate the little things he does.
I order my second name tape bracelet yesterday, I'm so excited for it to come in!! I bought from this website because they are really cute and because a percentage of the profits go to Wounded Warrior Project, one of the our favorite organizations.
I was thinking yesterday, if it wasn't for the situation that I am in I would have never met all the wonderful women that have crossed my way. I would never have talked to a stranger on the internet unless I new them. The military has giving me the opportunity to meet women all over the United States, who understand what I am going through because they are going through it themselves. I have become really close to this girl that I have met on Instagram, by complete accident!! I am so glad I met her though because we will be neighbors and we get along just great. Many people will never understand how you can become close friends with someone that you don't even know, but just like any situation in the military, you have to be there to understand, because no one will ever understand.
The menu:
Appetizer- Bruschetta on top of toasted french bread!
Main meal- Sirloin Steak with balsamic glaze on top of a bed of rice, with carrots :)
His favorite drink- Shirley Temple
Dessert: I baked chocolate cupcakes filled with Peanut Butter and others with Nutella! (his favorite too)
It was a super easy meal to make :) I made it all myself and he enjoyed it soooo much I have never seen him enjoy a meal so much!! It really made my day. After dinner we sat and watched some TV, because he had a long day he fell asleep on my shoulder, I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Now a days I don't take anything he does for granted, not being ale to see him for so long is going to SUCK!!! So I appreciate the little things he does.
I order my second name tape bracelet yesterday, I'm so excited for it to come in!! I bought from this website because they are really cute and because a percentage of the profits go to Wounded Warrior Project, one of the our favorite organizations.
I was thinking yesterday, if it wasn't for the situation that I am in I would have never met all the wonderful women that have crossed my way. I would never have talked to a stranger on the internet unless I new them. The military has giving me the opportunity to meet women all over the United States, who understand what I am going through because they are going through it themselves. I have become really close to this girl that I have met on Instagram, by complete accident!! I am so glad I met her though because we will be neighbors and we get along just great. Many people will never understand how you can become close friends with someone that you don't even know, but just like any situation in the military, you have to be there to understand, because no one will ever understand.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Ugh...so tired!
So, yesterday was a super busy day!! I cleaned all day, and later that night my friend Keirstin and I wanted to do an early valentines day dinner for her boyfriend and my hubby! :) It turned out great!! I thought her how to cook chicken fettuccine Alfredo :) and I cook some pasta with home made meat sauce(TJs favorite). After that we had some brownies, I've been in the mood to bake a lot lately which I love to do! We watched the walking dead and then they went home. I was so tired! All I wanted was sleep I fell asleep at 11 was up by 1:30am and could not fall asleep for my life!! I had to take the hubby to work at 0400 and I fell asleep right at 0300. I was so tired! I had to work today 0700 to 1500 on less then 2 hours of sleep!! Worse thing ever!! Do not want it to happen again! I have to say being a military wife is not the easiest job sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for anything!
Besides the no sleep! I've been working out so that I can get in shape and meet the weight requirement for the Airforce :) but I have to say with a hubby that can eat all he wants and not gain a pound is hard to keep up with it!! :( but I am sooooooo speed from working out it even hurts to laugh!! Lol! :) but a little pain is good I suppose, it most mean I am doing something right :)
It's 2026 and I can't believe, I am ready to pass out and go to sleep... :/
I found this on the web today and I love it!!!
Besides the no sleep! I've been working out so that I can get in shape and meet the weight requirement for the Airforce :) but I have to say with a hubby that can eat all he wants and not gain a pound is hard to keep up with it!! :( but I am sooooooo speed from working out it even hurts to laugh!! Lol! :) but a little pain is good I suppose, it most mean I am doing something right :)
It's 2026 and I can't believe, I am ready to pass out and go to sleep... :/
I found this on the web today and I love it!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
In laws are here!! :D
I must say I love my in-laws they are the best. I was blessed with such sweet people, they really are like my parents not just my in-laws, but like any other spouse, I still get nervous when they come and want to have everything perfect.
They decided to come this weekend because my father in-law leaves for Afghanistan here soon and since Tj is leaving soon too, he won't see him until like October! :( but anyway, since they are here I want to cook food because eating out all the time it's not healthy!! Plus I love to cook! so here I am 0702 trying to find a good recipe for chicken wraps! lol I'm thinking I can cook it while my hubby and his dad go to Bass Pro Shops to do their father-son thing and I can stay back with my mother in law and cook. There are so many good recipes out I can't decide on which one!!!! ahhhhhh!! :D
Lunch was a success I ended up making, Chicken wraps with french fries! They loved it and for dessert I made brownies with ice cream and caramelized walnuts. My father in-law loved it soooooo much that he had seconds!! :)
On a side note a few of our friends deployed today, :( It will be a while until we see them again. I have to say I started to feel like this people are my family and to know they are deployed and could be in danger, scares me a little bit. :(
Today for some reason I feel like its getting closer for my hubby to leave, and it hurts a little every day and every time I think about it I wonder "How am I going to deal with it?" "Will I be able to make it through this without going insane?" I'm scared since it's our first deployment. I would like to think that I will be okay though. He leaves for training for two week and that will be my first time I will be without him since after tech school, this will be a little taste of what it's going to be like. My friend Keirstin and I decided that we were going to keep each other company so that we don't go crazy lol. I'm sure we are going to have our girl nights reading Nicholas Sparks books and watching the movies LOL!!
Though there is a lot of changes coming my way, I am excited about them, and what's in store for me!
They decided to come this weekend because my father in-law leaves for Afghanistan here soon and since Tj is leaving soon too, he won't see him until like October! :( but anyway, since they are here I want to cook food because eating out all the time it's not healthy!! Plus I love to cook! so here I am 0702 trying to find a good recipe for chicken wraps! lol I'm thinking I can cook it while my hubby and his dad go to Bass Pro Shops to do their father-son thing and I can stay back with my mother in law and cook. There are so many good recipes out I can't decide on which one!!!! ahhhhhh!! :D
Lunch was a success I ended up making, Chicken wraps with french fries! They loved it and for dessert I made brownies with ice cream and caramelized walnuts. My father in-law loved it soooooo much that he had seconds!! :)
On a side note a few of our friends deployed today, :( It will be a while until we see them again. I have to say I started to feel like this people are my family and to know they are deployed and could be in danger, scares me a little bit. :(
Today for some reason I feel like its getting closer for my hubby to leave, and it hurts a little every day and every time I think about it I wonder "How am I going to deal with it?" "Will I be able to make it through this without going insane?" I'm scared since it's our first deployment. I would like to think that I will be okay though. He leaves for training for two week and that will be my first time I will be without him since after tech school, this will be a little taste of what it's going to be like. My friend Keirstin and I decided that we were going to keep each other company so that we don't go crazy lol. I'm sure we are going to have our girl nights reading Nicholas Sparks books and watching the movies LOL!!
Though there is a lot of changes coming my way, I am excited about them, and what's in store for me!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
My First Post lol
So I have always wanted to create a blog, but just could not figure out how. Until a friend of mine finally convinced me to do it. She is a Milso as well. I figure hey why not it might help me deal with my husband deploying, and all the changes that the military life brings.
God where to start!! hahaha Life is definitely different for a milso. i never thought I was going to be one, but love never goes as planned, and here I am super happy and married to the man of my dreams, and my best-friend. My husband Tj and I met way back when we were in high school our 9th grade year. When he decided that he wanted to enlist in the Air Force full time was a big decision because we knew, a lot of changes would come. We went through the whole process together, I would write him everyday while he was at basic training, two weeks before he graduated we decided to get married the weekend of his graduation because, we wanted to be at his first duty station together. (He had already popped the question before he left to basic :) ) I was able to live for 2 months in Texas and see Tj while he would go through Security Forces tech school, which was a blessing. When he was done with tech school we moved to our first duty station Langley AFB!!! And our life together began, along with planning our official wedding!!!! :D
January 26, 2013 we had our official wedding and it was amazing!! After months of none stop planing everything turned out perfect it was such a beautiful day. It really was my Cinderella wedding!
Three days after our wedding, we found out he would be deploying!! :(( and so the preparations of getting ready to be without my husband for 180+ days began.....
God where to start!! hahaha Life is definitely different for a milso. i never thought I was going to be one, but love never goes as planned, and here I am super happy and married to the man of my dreams, and my best-friend. My husband Tj and I met way back when we were in high school our 9th grade year. When he decided that he wanted to enlist in the Air Force full time was a big decision because we knew, a lot of changes would come. We went through the whole process together, I would write him everyday while he was at basic training, two weeks before he graduated we decided to get married the weekend of his graduation because, we wanted to be at his first duty station together. (He had already popped the question before he left to basic :) ) I was able to live for 2 months in Texas and see Tj while he would go through Security Forces tech school, which was a blessing. When he was done with tech school we moved to our first duty station Langley AFB!!! And our life together began, along with planning our official wedding!!!! :D
January 26, 2013 we had our official wedding and it was amazing!! After months of none stop planing everything turned out perfect it was such a beautiful day. It really was my Cinderella wedding!
Three days after our wedding, we found out he would be deploying!! :(( and so the preparations of getting ready to be without my husband for 180+ days began.....
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